Education IT
With the rise of Internet-based learning tools, such as Education City, Times Tables Rockstars
and Purple Mash, computer productivity is conducted through the internet. This level of Internet use requires a fast, reliable connection to ensure smooth operations for all who need access. Internet from anywhere at any point to complete their work without errors or interruptions due a poor network connection or speed.
We discovered that Schools were being overcharged for a poor product, which did not work as well it should have - That's when our story begins. In 2019 Benchmark began providing Internet access at the right price for education to help ease budget strains and connection frustrations. To this day we continue supporting local schools by offering affordable service plans. We work every day on finding new ways to improve both online teaching tools or student services so teachers can teach without having any distractions around them during class time!
Manage your own filtering - Our chosen system enables you to make decisions on what content you wish to allow onto the network, with different sites available for staff and pupils.
Our internet service has a variety of features to ensure reliability. We will provide you with the package that best suits your needs from our latest FTTP, Fast and Ultrafast connections all the way down to dedicated lines for higher speeds 4G fail over options.